With that said, I bring you some food pornorific posts with lobster. Unfortunately, this restaurant is not in Austin. Confucious Restaurant is in Houston (8880 Bellaire Boulevard Houston, TX 77036 (713) 271-6888) in a shopping center. It is very typical of many Asian restaurants in Houston. It lacks a website, has no social media channels, but is packed tight with hungry customers.
This restaurant is the go to place for a traditional dish of lobster with ginger and green onions, one of my favorites. Every table will have at least a plate or two of these lovely lobsters. They sell for market price, and are kept live in the tanks along the back wall. On the night we went, they were a mere 18.99 for two!!!!! Did you scream in delight? I did. Now enjoy!
The lobster came out pretty quickly. So did the cameras.
Nerding out over lobsters.
We also ordered claypot beef with eggplant. I thought the flavors were nice.
From left to right, we have sizzling chicken with black bean sauce, the LOBSTER, beef ribs with eggplant, and water spinach.
I really liked this chicken, and I was a bit annoyed with the wait staff took the dish away with one piece of chicken still on it.
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