Nothing beats being pampered by a celebrity foodie, writer, radio host.
I love this car. I would like a name tag that says Food Shark too.
After breakfast, the crew took a trip to the border of Texas on what John Demers calls the River Road trip. Here's some photos of us exploring the Chinati Mountains, Big Bend Park, Terlingua, Ojinagua, and Shafter Ghost Town.
The Ghost Town.
A giant cart at Ojingua.
Just for a size perspective.
Left to Right, @misohungry, @alphamom, @pureamber, @mmpackeatwrite, @demerswrites, @cosmopolitician, @lmayes, @jylmomIF.
The Rio Grande.
Abandoned movie set.
Kathy's Kosmic Kowgirl Kafe. Quote of the day from John Demers about the BBQ: "There's a magic 10 minutes when she and the meat are ready." Love it.
@misohungry, @alphamom, @mmpackeatwrite, @cosmopolitician, @lmayes, @jylmomIF. Not in that order.
We found hail in the middle of the dessert in 90 degree weather! @demerswrites, @pureamber, @windaddict, @cosmopolitician.
Yep. That's hail.
Dinner was at Cochineal, an stunningly designed space. The owners, Tom and Toshi were former NYers who brought their love of food to Marfa after a weekend visit. I loved this dinner, and hope that you try them too if you're in Marfa.
Waiting on the patio.
Beautiful space.
I loved the colors.
Salad from the garden. Variety of baby greens with Toshi's slightly Asian dressing. This salad was so simple and clean tasting. Absolutely perfect.
Roasted lion of marinated pork stuffed with dried fruits served with au jus with red wine braised red cabbage and lemon mashed potatoes. The flavors of the cabbage, pork, and sauce in this dish was interesting, complex, yet not overly complicated. Delicious.
Date pudding with whipped cream. This has got to be one of my favorite desserts I've had ever. The outside of the pudding was crunchy, and the inside was soft, warm, and fluffy. This is a dessert that is executed to perfection. I said it. Perfection. It was flawless, and the simple flavors and multiple textures has made an impression on me. Well done! Thank you to John Demers, Bright Sky Press, and Cochineal for hosting our lovely day.
ZOMG does that date pudding ever look good!